The poultry industry in Queensland

The Poultry Industry use significant amounts of energy in the form of electricity for ventilation, lighting and smaller pumps and motors for feeding and watering along with gas for heating.
Queensland’s poultry production is valued at $630 million and is supplied by approximately 90 farms with 90% of these located in the state’s South East. The industry remains one of the fastest growing in Queensland a 21% increase in value over the past 5 years. The relatively low cost of chicken comparative to other meats is expected to continue the meats consumption and industry growth.
Top energy efficiencies for the poultry industry.
Heating Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC) - Condensor motor, VSD, ventilation fans and heating upgrades.
Lighting and General- Replacement and retrofitting of lights with LEDs, infrastructure and general changes, including power factor correction.
Solar systems - Ranging in size from 5-100kW.
Solar and batteries.
Explore poultry case studies

Lockyer Valley Chicken Farm
Energy Savings 90% Cost Savings $21,671

Queensland Poultry Farms
Energy Savings 37% Cost Savings $53,223
Explore poultry related resources

Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit
The Queensland Renewable Energy Landholder Toolkit to assist and inform landholders as they respond to and negotiate with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects.

Electricity Price Changes in Regional Queensland 2024-25 Fact Sheet
By July each year, the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) sets the electricity prices that are passed onto residential and business addresses in regional Queensland. It is important for farmers to be aware of their energy usage and the tariff.

Financing your energy projects
Once you’ve identified energy savings or renewable energy opportunities for your farm, the next challenge is to find the funds or finance to make it happen.
There are a number of options to either reduce up-front costs or reduce the borrowing costs for the project. These can include new efficient pumps, motors, compressors, vehicles, lights, renewable energy systems and many other products.