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Case Studies

Case Studies

The Queensland Farmers’ Federation have completed a number of case studies with farms in Queensland to better understand energy saving and cost saving opportunities. Explore these case studies by using the filters below.

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Bigstock Sugarcane Field In Cloudy Sky 80957840

Dry Tropics

North Queensland Cane Farm

The energy audit at a North Queensland cane farm demonstrated the value in an energy audit to check the performance of irrigation systems.
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Energy Savings 49.7% Cost Savings $56,000

Bigstock Sugarcane Field In Cloudy Sky 80957840

Dry Tropics

Ayr Cane Farm

A Dry Tropics sugar cane farm has saved money and reduced energy consumption after implementing the recommendations from a recent Energy Savers Audit. The recommendation installed included pump upgrades.
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Energy Savings 5% Cost Savings $939

Bigstock Sugarcane Field In Cloudy Sky 80957840

Wide Bay Burnett

Childers Sugar Cane

The irrigation energy audit identified a number of initiative that would save about $110,000 over 10 years.
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Energy Savings 19% Cost Savings $14,114

Bigstock Sugarcane Field In Cloudy Sky 80957840

Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday

Mackay Sugar Cane

The irrigation audit identified energy savings of 10% with a payback of 3.4 years by modifying the discharge piping on the 45kW pump to reduce pressure losses. Additional savings were identified by replacing pumps and adding a variable speed controlled, but with longer payback periods. Emission savings for the solution have been estimated to be 3.1 t CO2-e.
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Energy Savings 10% Cost Savings $875

Bigstock Sugarcane Field In Cloudy Sky 80957840

Wide Bay Burnett

Bundaberg Sugar Cane

The audit assessed 10 initiatives to upgrade pumps and add variable speed drives with 33% energy savings, and recommended that two be implemented with payback of 3.5 years, 10% savings of total energy consumed, and cost savings of $6,000 per year. The audit also recommended tariff checks to achieve further savings. Emission reductions have been estimated to be 20.6 t CO2-e in average per year.
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Energy Savings 33% Cost Savings $6,000


Atherton Tablelands

Mareeba Sugar Cane Farm

Of the energy-saving opportunities evaluated, two initiatives were identified with potential energy savings of 19%, a payback period of 2.8 years, and carbon emission savings of 20.9 tCO2-e per year.
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Energy Savings 19% Cost Savings $4,156

Dreamstime l 10427528 min

Wide Bay Burnett

Queensland Sugar Cane & Small Crop Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included the installation of VFD at pumps one and two and the installation of a solar system at pump one.
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Energy Savings 30% Cost Savings $6,708

Dreamstime l 10427528 min

Wide Bay Burnett

Queensland Sugar Cane & Sweet Potato Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included the installation of VFD at pumps one and two, replace the travelling gun irrigation system with a lateral move, and conversion to Tariff 33 at all pumps. The farmer has replaced the irrigation system.
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Energy Savings 21% Cost Savings $69,658


Wide Bay Burnett

Bundaberg Sugar Cane & Macadamia Nut Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included the replacement of pump, motor, and installation of VFD at pump one, installation of Solar PV at pump one, and conversion to Tariff 33 at all pumps. The farmer has installed the solar PV system.
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Energy Savings 26% Cost Savings $8,829


Wide Bay Burnett

Gin Gin Sugar Cane Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included install a centre pivot irrigator at pump one, install Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to pump two and take back some irrigation load from pump three.
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Energy Savings 27% Cost Savings $26,014


Wide Bay Burnett

Bundaberg Sugar Cane Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendations explored in the audit included install a 30kW solar PV system to the existing pumping system.
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Energy Savings 101% Cost Savings $6,835


Wide Bay Burnett

Moore Sugar Cane Farm

A recent energy audit showed how improving the current systems can lead to energy and cost savings. The recommendation explored in the audit and implemented included the replacement of the pump, motor, and installation of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) at the main pump.
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Energy Savings 48% Cost Savings 10,156

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